In occasione delle lezioni Enriques Storia e filosofia della scienza, lunedi' 1 Dicembre, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'UniMi (aula Chisini in via Saldini, 50) alle ore 16.30, il Professor John D. Barrow del Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, Cambridge U. K. terrà un incontro intitolato The Mathematics of Entire Universes, preceduto da un tè in sala rappresentanza alle ore 16.00.
We will see how Einstein made it possible for cosmologists to study whole universes. We shall describe discovery that his equations allow expanding universes, rotating universes, chaotic universes, inflationary universes, accelerating universes and multiverses, culminating in the current best descriptions of the Universe we see today and the problems that still remain to be solved by astronomers, mathematicians and physicists.