Seminar -"Five Decades of Time Parallel Time Integration: Best Current Methods for Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems"

Dear All, 

Martin Gander, University of Geneva, will hold a seminar entitled "Five Decades of Time Parallel Time Integration: Best Current Methods for Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problemson Thursday 14th December 2017 (14:00, Aula Consiglio VII piano, Edificio 14 ).

Please, find an abstract below.


Abstract: Time parallel time integration methods have received renewed interest over the last decade because of the advent of massively parallel computers, due to the clock speed limit reached on today's processors. When solving time dependent partial differential equations, the time direction is usually not used for parallelization. But when parallelization in space saturates, the time direction offers itself as a further direction for parallelization. The time direction is however special, and for evolution problems there is a causality principle: the solution later in time is determined by the solution earlier in time, so the flow of information is just into the direction forward in time. Algorithms trying to use the time direction for parallelization must therefore be special, and take this very different property of the time dimension into account.

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